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Book tips from travel bloggers

October 20, 2016

A holiday trip without a book? These travel experts say it's impossible to imagine. In our series, every day a blogger recommends books to travel with.

Reiseblogger Carina Stöwe
Image: Privat

Name: Carina Stöwe

Age: 28

Occupation: Blogger, YouTube Contributor

Blogging since 2013

Most Recent Trip: 18 months on the Pan-American Highway between Tierra del Fuego and California

Current Trip: Road trip through Alberta and Saskatchewan, Canada

Author of: "Get Ready to Run: Laufen für Anfänger"

Blog: Travelrunplay


DW: Which book has helped you prepare for one of your recent trips?

Martin Schacht's  travel book on Myanmar was the best I could have read before I took off on my solo trip there in 2013. It helped me to understand the country's customs and characteristics, particularly since not many people there spoke English at that time.

Which book did you take along on your current trip?

On my current road-trip through Canada, I'm reading "Breakfast with Elephants" - by my friend Gesa Neitzel. It's a new German book, and describes her experiences while she was going through ranger training in the African bush. We were in two completely different places at the time, and had completely different experiences - but I could identify with many of her ideas and insights.

Name a book that saved the day during a trip.

In some parts of South America, there's a nasty stomach- and intestinal virus going around. I caught it - and by chance, I got hold of an audio book called "Gut - the inside story of our body’s most under-rated organ" by Giulia Enders. It explained clearly what was going on in MY gut, and did it with a sense of humor. It also taught me how to take things a little easier while I was ill.