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View of the building housing Iceland's parliament on October 9, 2008 in Reykjavik. Icelanders are keeping cool heads despite their country slipping into a financial quagmire, but anger is mounting against politicians who liberalised the financial sector in the 1990s. AFP PHOTO / OLIVIER MORIN (Photo credit should read OLIVIER MORIN/AFP/Getty Images)
Island Parlament Gebäude Reykjavik圖片來源: Getty Images

在議會選舉落幕之後,冰島面臨政府更迭。根據官方初步計票結果,中右黨派聯盟獲得51.1%左右的選票,從而贏得絕對多數。由總理西於爾扎多蒂(Johanna Sigurdardottir)領導的社民黨和綠黨聯盟失去了議會中原有議席的一半以上。新政府總理可能由獨立黨黨首貝內迪克松(Benediktsson)擔任。他此前已經宣佈,將和進步黨組建執政聯盟,共同推出降低稅收的政策,並最終完成與歐盟之間的入盟談判。