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epa03316039 A Handout photograph released by the Egyptian Presidency on 21 July 2012, shows Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi meeting with Hisham Qandil, at the presidential palace, in Cairo, Egypt, 21 July 2012. According to media reports on 24 July 2012, Egyptian President Morsi appointed Minister of Water and Irrigation Hisham Qandil as Prime Minister on 24 July and asked him to form a new government, a presidential spokesman said according to state media. EPA/EGYPTIAN PRESIDENCY/HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
圖片來源: picture alliance/dpa


埃及希望再次與國際貨幣基金組織(IMF)恢復關於緊急貸款的談判。埃及總理甘迪勒(Hischam Kandil)在首都開羅表示,預計雙方將在明年一月開啟對話。國際貨幣基金組織要求埃及政府先要滿足出台財政緊縮方案的先決條件,才能得到超過48億美元的貸款。因為此前埃及國內爆發了抗議浪潮,所以雙方談判不得不暫時擱淺。