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Residents gather coins and other salvageable materials from the ruins of houses after Super Typhoon Haiyan battered Tacloban city in central Philippines November 10, 2013. One of the most powerful storms ever recorded killed at least 10,000 people in the central Philippines province of Leyte, a senior police official said on Sunday, with coastal towns and the regional capital devastated by huge waves. Super typhoon Haiyan destroyed about 70 to 80 percent of the area in its path as it tore through the province on Friday, said chief superintendent Elmer Soria, a regional police director. REUTERS/Erik De Castro (PHILIPPINES - Tags: DISASTER ENVIRONMENT)
颱風過後什麼都沒剩下圖片來源: Reuters

(德國之聲中文網)據菲律賓警方的數據,周五在該國登陸的"海燕"強颱風在該國萊特(Leyte)省已可能造成至少1萬人死亡,颱風所到之處,留下一片狼藉。以上死亡數字是萊特省長索裡亞(Elmer Soria)在同專家會晤後於周六晚宣佈的。菲律賓總統阿基諾三世仍在鼓勵人民:雖然超過1萬死者的災情報導讓人震驚,但他安慰民眾說,「這個數字需要核實。" 據菲律賓警方和救災部門提供的數字,目前能夠查明的死者人數為552人。阿基諾三世說,"現在的重點是關心儌倖活下來的人以及受傷者。"



在"海燕"經過的萊特省首府獨魯萬市(Tacloban),一名官員在馬尼拉電視台說,颱風倖存者沖進商店搜尋食物、藥品和其他日常用品。"在獨魯萬市,情況非常混亂。人們已開始搶劫,打砸自動取款機以獲得現款。" 紅十字會組織的當地負責人格登(Richard Gordon)對馬尼拉電台說,搶劫者對紅十字會運送食品和飲用水的專車也不放過。菲律賓當局已向災區增援數百名安全力量以維持秩序。

Members of Tactical Operations Group of the Philippine Air Force unload relief goods to isolated residents after Typhoon Haiyan hit a village in Panay island, in northern Iloilo Province, central Philippines November 9, 2013. Typhoon Haiyan, possibly the strongest storm ever to hit land, has devastated the central Philippine city of Tacloban , killing at least 100 people and destroying most houses in a surge of flood water and high winds, officials said on Saturday. The toll of death and damage is expected to rise sharply as rescue workers and soldiers reach areas cut off by the massive storm, now barrelling out of the Philippines towards Vietnam. REUTERS/Leo Solinap (PHILIPPINES - Tags: MILITARY DISASTER ENVIRONMENT SOCIETY)
安全力量入災區圖片來源: Reuters


Survivors walk past a damaged town after strong winds brought by super Typhoon Haiyan battered Tacloban city, central Philippines November 9, 2013. Typhoon Haiyan, the strongest typhoon in the world this year and possibly the most powerful ever to hit land battered the central Philippines on Friday, forcing millions of people to flee to safer ground, cutting power lines and blowing apart houses. Haiyan, a category-5 super typhoon, bore down on the northern tip of Cebu Province, a popular tourist destination with the country's second-largest city, after lashing the islands of Leyte and Samar with 275 kph (170 mph) wind gusts and 5-6 meter (15-19 ft) waves. REUTERS/Romeo Ranoco (PHILIPPINES - Tags: DISASTER ENVIRONMENT)
80萬人須背井離鄉圖片來源: Reuters






來源:德新社 編譯:李魚
