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GettyImages 185563909 A Cuban shows Cuban Pesos CUP (Left hand) and Convertible Pesos CUC (Right hand), on October 22, 2013 in Havana. Raul Castro's government announced today the beginning of the unification of Cuban Pesos (CUP) and Convertible Pesos (CUC) that were in use in Cuba for 19 years. AFP PHOTO/Yamil LAGE (Photo credit should read YAMIL LAGE/AFP/Getty Images)
圖片來源: Yamil Lage/AFP/Getty Images

據通訊社消息,古巴政府計劃廢除實行19年的雙重貨幣體系。總統勞爾‧卡斯楚(Raúl Castro)宣佈這一消息。據古巴黨報《格拉瑪》(Granma)周二報導,政府批准了一個時間表,但沒有說明確切日期。古巴自1994年起,除官方貨幣比索外,還有一種可兌換比索。除最基本需求如食品、服裝外,幾乎所有其它商品均須使用可兌換比索購買,無論是在國有商店、私人農貿市場還是黑市。多年來,雙重貨幣使古巴分裂成兩個世界。許多古巴人從國外親屬獲得匯款,其他人則必須依靠約合20美元的國家薪水或者養老金度日。