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An anti-government protester throws a bike onto a fire during a clash with riot police after a protest supporting a teachers' strike in Rio de Janeiro October 15, 2013. The protest is to demand changes in the public state and municipal education system. REUTERS/Lucas Landau (BRAZIL - Tags: CIVIL UNREST POLITICS EDUCATION)
圖片來源: Reuters

巴西裡約熱內盧(Rio de Janeiro)的教師和大學生舉行和平示威活動後,該市再次爆發大規模衝突。數百名蒙面暴徒在這座巴西都會城市的中心地帶與警方發生衝突。一輛警車被焚毀。警方出動大批警力,並動用催淚彈、橡皮子彈及警棍。巴西另一座大城市聖保羅(São Paulo)的無家可歸者舉行示威遊行期間,警察與暴力示威者也爆發衝突。數輛大客車、小轎車以及七家銀行網點被摧毀。警方在兩地總共逮捕大約120人。巴西利亞(Brasília)和貝洛奧裡藏特(Belo Horizonte)也有小規模示威活動。數周以來,裡約州教師舉行罷工,抗議一項被認為不利於教師群體的新法規。