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A Chinese priest performs mass at Beijing's northern cathedral in China Monday May 8, 2006. China's official Roman Catholic church named a new bishop _ reportedly with papal endorsement _ as Beijing rejected Vatican criticism of the unauthorized ordination of two other bishops. China's Catholics were forced to cut ties to the Vatican after the 1949 communist revolution. But the Holy See and China's church communicate informally and most Chinese bishops have received papal endorsement. (AP Photo/Elizabeth Dalziel)
圖片來源: AP


梵蒂岡抱怨中國國內對天主教徒宗教自由的壓制有增無減。據羅馬通訊社亞洲新聞日前(10月25日)報導,梵蒂岡傳信部主管、樞機主教菲洛尼(Fernando Filoni)批評說,中國國內對天主教會人員和機構的監控加強,當局對忠於教皇的地下教會成員增加施壓,強迫他們參加「思想改造學習班」。教宗本篤十六世向中國天主教徒發出要求國家控制的教會和地下教會實現統一的牧函5年之後,菲洛尼對中國國內宗教現狀得出負面結論。他指出,眾多主教被逮捕,或被隔離。在擁有13人口的中國,天主教徒屬於少數群體,估計人數約為1億。官方所允許只是天主教徒和福音教徒組成的「三自愛國教會」,「三自」即「自立、自養、自傳」,不受梵蒂岡制約。