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洪災肆虐菲律賓 近30萬人被迫轉移

Members of the Philippine army drive through floodwaters as they help with rescue operations in Tumana, Rizal province August 20, 2013. At least 40,000 people sought shelter in government evacuation centers across the main island of Luzon and more than double that number moved to relatives' or friends' homes for safety as schools and government offices shut for a second day, during floods caused by monsoon rains. REUTERS/John Javellana (PHILIPPINES - Tags: DISASTER ENVIRONMENT MILITARY)
圖片來源: Reuters/John Javellana

本周三(8月21日)菲律賓首都馬尼拉和周邊地區洪水警報仍未解除。菲律賓紅十字會秘書長格溫德琳•龐(Gwendolyn Pang)接受法新社採訪時表示有近30萬人被迫轉移,暫時棲身於緊急避難所或者親友處。當局有關部門數據顯示,至少有15人在洪水中喪生。馬尼拉北部的農田也遭受洪災重創。
