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An employee wearing a protection suit sprays disinfectant on chickens at a poultry market in Hefei, Anhui province April 5, 2013. Chinese authorities were slaughtering birds at a poultry market in the financial hub Shanghai as the death toll from a new strain of bird flu mounted to six on Friday, spreading concern overseas and sparking a sell-off on Hong Kong's share market. According to Xinhua News Agency, east China's Zhejiang Province on Friday morning reported that a man has died from the H7N9 bird flu, bringing the death toll from the new deadly strain to six in the country. REUTERS/Stringer (CHINA - Tags: HEALTH DISASTER ANIMALS)
圖片來源: Reuters




H7N9並不是唯一的禽流感病原體,相比之下,H5N1禽流感病毒更為常見。根據世衛組織(WHO)的數據,從2003年到今年3月,H5N1病毒已經在全球造成超過360人死亡。不過這兩種禽流感病毒目前還沒有被證明可以"人傳人"。 根據新華社消息,最近一起因H7N9病毒爆發而死亡的男子來自浙江省。除了浙江和上海之外,江蘇和安徽省也發現了H7N9病例。病發症狀包括嚴重的肺炎、發熱、咳嗽、呼吸急促。發現H7N9病毒之後,世衛組織經過初步檢測建議使用抗病毒藥物羅氏製藥(Roche)生產的達菲(Tamiflu)和葛蘭素史克公司(GlaxoSmithKline)的"樂感清" (Relenza)進行治療。

Ein Poster an einer Toilettentür in einem Restaurant in Schanghai fordert am 25.4.2003 dazu auf, nicht zu spucken und andere Personen nicht anzuniesen. Im Kampf gegen die Lungenkrankheit verfügte Schanghai unterdessen drastische Geldbußen gegen jeden, der in der Öffentlichkeit spuckt oder uriniert. Wer dabei erwischt wird, muss ab sofort 200 Yuan (25 Euro) bezahlen, berichtete die Tageszeitung Shanghai Daily in ihrer Ausgabe vom 25.4. Dies sei eine vier Mal höhere Geldbuße als bisher. Landesweit wurden in China 2601 oder 180 Erkrankte mehr gezählt. 115 Menschen sind gestorben. Auffällig ist weiter die stark steigende Zahl der Verdachtsfälle, die in China innerhalb eines Tages um 330 auf 1482 zunahm.
上海街頭「請勿隨地吐痰」宣傳牌。2003年中國爆發非典,包括醫務人員在內的多名患者死亡。圖片來源: dpa


A patient (L) with fever receives treatment at the hospital where a 67-year-old H7N9 patient is being treated, in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, April 3, 2013. China will swiftly communicate to the outside world and its own people details of a new strain of deadly bird flu, the health ministry said, following complaints it had been too slow to report on the outbreak and suspicion of a SARS-like cover-up. China has found two more cases of a new strain of bird flu in Hangzhou and one of the victims has died, state media said on Wednesday, bringing to nine the number of confirmed human infections from the previously unknown flu type. Picture taken April 3, 2013. REUTERS/Chance Chan (CHINA - Tags: HEALTH ANIMALS DISASTER)
儘管還未能證明H7N9是否會通過呼吸道傳播,不過一些地方的藥店還是出現了口罩熱銷的情況。圖片來源: Reuters



但也有專家擔心該病毒會出現地區性蔓延。英國倫敦大學瑪麗女王醫學院的病毒學教授約翰‧牛津(John Oxford)接受法新社採訪時表示:"對於雞禽來說,這種病毒病不能致死,這也就是說,禽流感病毒可能會在人們不知道的情況下在雞禽間獲得傳播。"目前尚不能確定H7N9的傳染源及傳播方式。美國和世衛組織都正在研製H7N9疫苗。雖然現在並不能證明H7N9是否會通過呼吸道傳播,不過一些地方的藥店還是出現了口罩熱銷的情況。根據鳳凰網等媒體報導,江蘇省衞生廳日前稱:板藍根沖劑可預防H7N9。不過這一說法廣受質疑。有網友吐槽說"板藍根成萬能神藥。每次一有引人注目的傳染病出現,板藍根都會作為防治藥物走到台前。有病時吃,沒病時吃,得普通疾病時吃,得特殊疾病時還得吃!"儘管如此,因為對疫情的恐懼和對非典的心有餘悸,不少藥店的板藍根沖劑都已被搶購一空。還有上海網友表示,前一陣因為黃浦江出現死豬,肉類已經吃的少了。現在看來,只有吃素才能算安全。

Technicians carry out a test for the H7N9 bird flu virus using test reagents at the Beijing Center for Diseases Control and Prevention in Beijing April 3, 2013. Test reagents for the H7N9 virus arrived in Beijing on Tuesday enabling the city's diseases control and prevention centre, and 55 laboratories in its network, to test for the virus. Chinese authorities reported four new cases on Tuesday of a strain of bird flu previously unknown in humans that has already killed two people, taking the total of known cases to seven. REUTERS/Stringer (CHINA - Tags: HEALTH DISASTER ANIMALS) CHINA OUT. NO COMMERCIAL OR EDITORIAL SALES IN CHINA
目前尚不能確定H7N9的傳染源及傳播方式。圖片來源: Reuters


