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HANDOUT - An undated handout photo provided by Norwegian oil company Statoil 17 January 2013 shows a road sign of the gas facility in In Amenas, Algeria where 13 Norwegians are among more than 20 workers who have been taken as hostages in an attack by Islamist militants. An Algerian state media report says that two foreign nationals have been killed and more than 20 taken hostage in an attack by Islamist militants on the Statoil gas facility in the eastern part of the country. Photo: STATOIL HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES (zu dpa 0099 "Islamisten wollen mit Geiselnahme Offensive in Mali stoppen" am 17.01.2013) +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
圖片來源: picture alliance / dpa


英國外交部周五(1月18日)表示,阿爾及利亞境內英國石油公司所屬一個天然氣田人質事件尚未結束,卡梅倫首相今天為此將再度同相關大臣和安全機構的負責人磋商。日本外務省今天就人質事件緊急召見阿爾及利亞大使。此前,日本首相安倍晉三以電話方式向該國總理塞拉勒(Abdelmalek Sellal)提出對該國採取軍事行動解救人質的抗議。阿爾及利亞通訊社此前援引地方當局報導稱,武裝解救人質行動已經結束,政府軍奪回了對部分天然氣田的控制權。伊斯蘭劫持者稱,在交火過程中有多人死亡,其中包括15名劫持者和34名人質。伊斯蘭分子威脅將殺死7名倖存人質。極端伊斯蘭分子上周三控制了位於阿爾及爾東南約1300公里處的這個隸屬英國石油公司的天然氣田,並將數以百計的阿爾及利亞職工和大約40名外籍職工扣為人質。這些外籍人員來自英、挪、美、法、日等國。