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French President Nicolas Sarkozy attends a ceremony to pay homage to the three soldiers killed by suspected French gunman Mohamed Merah, claiming al-Qaida links, and also suspected in the killings of three Jewish children and a rabbi, Wednesday, March 21, 2012 in Montauban, southwestern France. Soldliers were Imad Ibn-Ziaten, 30, a paratrooper in the 1st Airborne Transportation Regiment based in Toulouse, Abel Chennouf, 25, who served in the 17th paratrooper combat engineering regiment based in Montauban and Mohamed Legouade, 26, the second paratrooper killed in the same shooting. (Foto:Jacques Brinon, Pool/AP/dapd)
图像来源: AP


法新社消息,法国总统大选在即,萨科齐因收受欧莱雅集团继承人利利亚纳·贝当古(Liliane Bettencourt)政治献金的丑闻,再次受到来自国内的压力。周一(3月26日),该国反对党社会党在巴黎要求萨科齐提交相关报告,澄清2007年这位女富豪非法捐赠的40万欧元总统竞选费用在何处。社会党发言人伯努瓦·哈蒙(Hamon)说,为消除各方疑虑,总统必须做出表态。