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U.N. vehicles transporting a team of United Nations chemical weapons experts arrive in Damascus August 18, 2013. A team of United Nations chemical weapons experts, led by Swedish scientist Ake Sellstrom, arrived in Damascus on Sunday to investigate the possible use of chemical weapons in Syria's civil war. President Bashar al-Assad's government and the rebels fighting him have accused each other of using chemical weapons, a step which the United States had said would cross a "red line" in a conflict which has killed 100,000 people.The U.N. team, including weapons experts from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, will try to establish only whether chemical weapons including sarin and other toxic nerve agents were used, not who used them. REUTERS/Khaled al-Hariri (SYRIA - Tags: POLITICS CONFLICT)
Luxembourg's Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker arrives at the Luxembourg Parliament in Luxembourg July 10, 2013. Luxembourg faced the prospect of early elections being called on Wednesday, with a parliamentary debate about a spying scandal threatening to topple long-standing prime minister Jean-Claude Juncker's ruling coalition. Juncker, who became prime minister in 1995 and is the European Union's longest serving head of government, is under scrutiny because of his alleged failure to curb abuse of power by the secret service. REUTERS /Luxemburger Wort/Gerry Huberty (LUXEMBOURG - Tags: POLITICS ELECTIONS CRIME LAW) NO SALES. NO ARCHIVES. LUXEMBOURG OUT. NO COMMERCIAL OR EDITORIAL SALES IN LUXEMBOURG
Chairman of European People's Party (EPP) group in the European Parliament Joseph Daul reacts at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, eastern France, Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2011 during the debate on the European debt crisis and the EU summit. (Foto:Christian Lutz/AP/dapd)
Eine Hand berührt am 2.9.2003 im Arbeitsamt in Leipzig das Werbeplakat einer privaten Arbeitsvermittlungsagentur, das ein überdimensionales Foto einer Computertastatur zeigt. Die Zahl der Arbeitslosen in Deutschland ist im August überraschend gesunken. Entgegen den Prognosen verringerte sie sich um 37800 auf 4314200. Das waren zwar noch immer 296000 mehr als im August 2002. Der Abstand zum Vorjahr sei jedoch erstmals seit Beginn dieses Jahres unter die Marke von 300000 gesunken, berichtete die Bundesanstalt für Arbeit am 4.9.2003 in Nürnberg. Die Arbeitslosenquote blieb unverändert bei 10,4 Prozent.
GettyImages 149172469 Government employees demonstrate against the Spanish government's latest austerity measures, in the center of Madrid, on July 24, 2012, after conservative Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy announced, on July 13, the latest measures to lower Spain's deficit, a 65-billion-euro (80 billion USD) austerity package involving among other things an increase in the VAT (TVA) tax and cuts in unemployment benefits. AFP PHOTO / DOMINIQUE FAGET (Photo credit should read DOMINIQUE FAGET/AFP/GettyImages)