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epa03918224 View of heavy rains and floods in Acapulco vacational resort, Guerrero state, Mexico, during the passage of Hurricane Raymond, on 21 October 2013. Guerrero and Michoacan states are on red alert due to the proximity of Hurricane Raymond, the National Civil Protection System (Sinaproc) declared, which is taking precautions after the Hurricane reached Category 3 on the Saffir-Simpson scale. EPA/Francisca Meza
图像来源: picture-alliance/dpa

据菲律宾红十字会公布的消息,菲律宾遭受强烈飓风“海燕”袭击,估计导致约1,200人丧生。许多沿海村庄被洪水吞没,多个地区与外界隔绝。马尼拉政府此前曾公布约 138人死亡。政府已派遣15000名士兵前往灾区救灾,发放救灾物资。预计周日台风将在越南登陆。