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REFILE - CLARIFYING THE NAME AND LOCATION OF THE GAS PLANT Smoke rises above following demining operations at the Tiguentourine Gas Plant, located about 50 km (30 miles) from the town of In Amenas January 20, 2013. Algeria said on Sunday it expected heavy hostage casualties after its troops ended a desert siege, but Western governments warned against criticising tactics used by their vital ally in the struggle with Islamists across the Sahara. REUTERS/Louafi Larbi (ALGERIA - Tags: CIVIL UNREST POLITICS ENERGY)
图像来源: AP


联邦德国经济部长勒斯勒尔(Philipp Rösler)周三(2月13日)启程前往阿尔及利亚访问。同时是政府副总理的这位德国自民党主席将会晤多名阿尔及利亚政府成员。陪同访问的有德国工业联合会新任主席格里洛(Ulrich Grillo)等多名德国工业界头面人物。勒斯勒尔是阿尔及利亚一座天然气田上月中旬遭伊斯兰分子袭击以来访问该国的首位德国内阁成员。在马里冲突背景下,随着袭击事件的发生,阿尔及利亚是否能对外来巨额投资和外国康采恩的工作人员提供足够的安全保护受到质疑。袭击事件中有数十名外国人和阿尔及利亚人丧生。