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A Taiwan fishing boat (R) is blocked by a Japan Coast Guard (L) vessel near the disputed Diaoyu / Senkaku islands in the East China Sea on September 25, 2012. Coastguard vessels from Japan and Taiwan duelled with water cannon after dozens of Taiwanese boats escorted by patrol ships sailed into waters around Tokyo-controlled islands. Japanese coastguard ships sprayed water at the fishing vessels, footage on national broadcaster NHK showed, with the Taiwanese patrol boats directing their own high-pressure hoses at the Japanese ships. AFP PHOTO / Sam Yeh (Photo credit should read SAM YEH/AFP/GettyImages)
图像来源: Getty Images


据法新社报道,日中岛屿主权之争加剧。日本防卫大臣小野寺五典(Itsunori Onodera)周二(10月29日)指责中国的行为危及和平,对有可能发生军事冲突提出警告。他称,他相信,中方舰、机进入尖阁诸岛(北京称“钓鱼岛”)周围海、空域就是进入了介于和平与紧急状态之间的“灰色地带”。中国国防部上周六警告日本不得向中方飞机开火,否则,中方将视之为一种“严重挑衅”、一种战争行为。日本媒体此前报道说,安倍晋三首相已批准日本军方的相关计划,根据这些计划,在中方无人机不按日方要求离开日领空的情况下,日方将予以击落。观察家注意到,日中岛屿主权争议加剧之时正值日本举行大规模军事演习前夕。日本计划从本周五起在一个岛群上举行将投入3.4万兵力的防御和收复岛屿军事演习。