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Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) commander Caesar Achellam is seen in Owiny Kibul in this September 20, 2006 file photo. Uganda People's Defence Forces said Achellam, a major general in LRA leader Joseph Kony's outfit of about 200 fighters, had been captured in an ambush on May 12, 2012 along the banks of the River Mbou in neighbouring Central African Republic. REUTERS/James Akena (SOUTH SUDAN - Tags: CRIME LAW MILITARY POLITICS HEADSHOT CONFLICT)
General Caesar Achellam Uganda图像来源: Reuters


联合国安理会同意非洲联盟出兵,围剿乌干达叛军首领科尼(Joseph Kony)和他所领导的圣主抵抗军(LRA)。安理会15个成员国通过了一份名为"联合国应对圣主抵抗军威胁影响的地区性战略"的主席声明。计划派遣5000名非盟士兵,并加大人道主义援助的力度。从2005年开始,乌干达叛军首领科尼就是国际社会通缉的对象。他需要面对战争罪以及反人类罪的指责。具体内容包括涉嫌谋杀、残害、强奸和强迫性雇佣童子军等罪行。科尼领导的圣主抵抗军在乌干达北部犯下的罪孽最为严重。